This is a simple example to prove it's possible. First the jar files need to be added to Jython's command line.
# all files in sqlcl/lib/* # adjust to your install ( unzip ) of sqlcl LIB=/Users/klrice/workspace/raptor_common/sqlcl/built/lib/ CP= for f in $(ls $LIB/*.jar); do echo $f CP=$CP:$f done echo --- $CP --- #Start up jython jython -J-cp $CP
Now that the needed libraries are in the path. It's quite easy to start using the same methods and classes that have been shown in various javascript examples. This example gets a connection on it's own then instantiates SQLcl for programmatic use.
#import various things from java.sql import DriverManager from oracle.dbtools.db import DBUtil from oracle.dbtools.raptor.newscriptrunner import * #plain ol jdbc connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection('jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/orcl','klrice','klrice'); #get a DBUtil but won't actually use it in this example util = DBUtil.getInstance(conn); #create sqlcl sqlcl = ScriptExecutor(conn); #setup the context ctx = ScriptRunnerContext() #set the context sqlcl.setScriptRunnerContext(ctx) ctx.setBaseConnection(conn); #change the format sqlcl.setStmt('set sqlformat json');; #run the sql sqlcl.setStmt('select * from emp');;
The output of this is simply the json output.