Got a question on how easy it is to use ORDS to perform insert | update | delete on a table. Here's the steps.
1) Install ORDS ( cmd line or there's a new wizard in sqldev )
2) Enable the schema and table in this case klrice.emp; ( again there's a wizard in sqldev )
BEGIN ORDS.ENABLE_SCHEMA(p_enabled => TRUE, p_schema => 'KLRICE', p_url_mapping_type => 'BASE_PATH', p_url_mapping_pattern => 'klrice', p_auto_rest_auth => FALSE); ORDS.ENABLE_OBJECT(p_enabled => TRUE, p_schema => 'KLRICE', p_object => 'EMP', p_object_type => 'TABLE', p_object_alias => 'emp', p_auto_rest_auth => FALSE); commit; END;
3) Check the catalog. Everything enabled will be in the catalog wether they be auto-enabled tables or lovingly crafted ones. For this case, we can see /emp/ is there
4) Do work. Here I'm inserting a new record. The PK is referenced in the URI and in the JSON doc. Notice the http method here is a PUT and that the content type is set to application/json.
6) Now for doing an update.
7) The results is that the response back from ORDS is the correct values.
8) Now go show the people hand coding REST what took 1 plsql block to enable !